Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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1,512 lines
Changes since
0. Online documentation for slrn intrinsic functions
(http://space.mit.edu/%7Edavis/doc/slrn-doc.html). See also
1. koi8 character set from Roman Shaposhnick
2. message_now intrinsic function added.
3. If make_from_string_hook exists, it will be called to generate
`From' header lines, e.g.,
define make_from_string_hook ()
return "My Name <me@my.machine>"
4. Small bug in base64 decoding of headers fixed.
5. art.c:update_ranges rewritten to avoid marking too many articles
as read when one recontructs a thread via ESC-p.
6. Added patchs from Hubert Figuiere <Hubert.Figuiere@solsoft.fr> to
handle some improperly mime encoded headers generated by broken
software (specifically when ' ' is not converted to '_'), and to
fix a potential problem with XOVER.
7. Fixed scrore file problem with groupnames containing `+'.
8. Body searching macro added to distribution (slrn/macros/search.sl).
9. article mode function locate_header_by_msgid will not uncollapse
the thread unless the header is hidden in the fold.
10. New intrinsic function: locate_header_by_msgid. This takes 2
arguments: the message-id and a flag that indicates whether or not
the server should be queried.
11. Semantics of cc_followup variable modified for GNKSA compliance.
12. New option: abort_unmodified_edits. Many users requested this
13. `set hostname' now possible.
14. Patch from Dinko Korunic <kreator@fly.cc.fer.hr> fixing a NULL
pointer dereference in the Cc code.
15. Failed posting are appended to a file specified by the
failed_posts_file variable.
16. Patches from Tony Houghton <tonyh@tcp.co.uk>: supersede function
and an option to strip signatures on followup:
setkey article "supersede" "\e^S" % ESC Ctrl-S
set followup_strip_signature 0
17. slrnpull: more verbose messages via mapping of nntp codes to strings
Changes since
0. Misc bug fixes, including:
* Mapping of / to \\ in Win32 and OS/2 editor variables.
* slrn now honors port information encoded in hostname when
refreshing newsgroups.
1. Tweak to generation of NEWGROUPS server command to make it y2k
compliant. (In my opinion, the protocol is weak in this area)
2. VMS grplens.c support from Martin P.J. Zinser <m.zinser@gsi.de>.
3. New configuration variable:
set simulate_graphic_chars 0
Setting this to 1 will cause slrn to use simple ascii characters to
represent the thread tree.
4. Patch from Hubert Figuiere <Hubert.Figuiere@solsoft.fr> to handle
(broken?) knews iso-latin1 mime encoding.
5. New configuration variable: set auto_mark_article_as_read 1
If zero, reading an article will not cause it to be marked as read.
6. It is now possible to specify what headers to show via the .slrnrc
visible_headers "From:,Subject:,Newsgroups:,Followup-To:,Reply-To:"
or the slang function `set_visible_headers'. To show no headers,
use "", to show only X-* headers in addition to From, use "X-,From:".
(Stephane CHAZELAS <Stephane.CHAZELAS@maisel-gw.enst-bretagne.fr>
provided code that was used as a basis for this feature).
7. Tweak to group.c:group_sync_group_with_server courtesy of
stesch@parsec.rhein-neckar.de (Stefan Scholl).
Changes since
0. Misc bug fixes
1. \n --> \r\n mapping required for the print code.
2. install target courtesy of Klaus Franken <kfr@klaus.franken.de>.
3. Mods to update interp.c to use some slang 1.0 features.
4. Amiga patches and MIME bug fix from Jörg Strohmayer <j_s@gmx.de>.
5. Winsock initialization bug-fix from sgibier@mail.dotcom.fr
(Stephane Gibier).
6. typo involving signals when quitting article mode corrected.
7. Bug fix so that article counts are not modified when a group read is
8. extract_article_header now trims leading whitespace.
9. New intrinsic for macros:
is_article_window_zoomed ()
This may be used to define macros that behave differently depending
upon the zoom state of the article window.
10. New printer code added (vtailor@gte.net).
11. Added slrnpull setgid patch from Sylvain Robitaille
<syl@alcor.concordia.ca>. See slrnpull/setgid.txt for more
information. By default this is disabled in slrnfeat.h.
12. User-Agent header added.
13. New hook: article_mode_quit_hook
14. Added VMS patches for sltcp.c from Martin P.J. Zinser <m.zinser@gsi.de>.
Changes since
1. ibm850 character set made the default on Win32 and OS/2 systems.
2. New hook: post_file_hook
3. new header format descriptor: %g. This may be used to specify the
column the next write to the screen should take place.
Specifically, `%Xg' indicates that the cursor should be moved to
column X (numbered from 0). If X is negative, the cursor will be
moved X columns from the right edge of the window. To
understand this, compare:
header_display_format 0 "%F%-5S%-5l:%t%35s %f"
header_display_format 0 "%F%-5S%-5l:%t%35s%-24g%f"
in the presence of an open thread tree. The latter form indicates
that the `From' header (%f) should be written out 24 columns from
the right edge of the window.
4. Andreas M. Kirchwitz <amk@krell.snafu.de> suggested that scores
with a value of zero be printed on the header as a blank to keep
the display less busy. I took his advice.
5. doc/w32keys.txt and doc/os2keys.txt merged into one file:
6. SLang_VMessage_Hook was set to slrn_va_message.
7. --no-post option added to slrnpull.
8. New macros files:
The latter file illustrates how to use the `post_file_hook' to
manipulate a message before posting it.
9. Fixed a bug in which the references appeared as blank when
following up to articles whose message id exceeded the screen with
and the headers were wrapped.
10. New function: print_article. This function may be customized via
the `printer_name' setting. If `printer_name' is not set, then
the default printer will be selected. Otherwise, the meaning of
this variable will depend upon the OS:
WIN32 : The name of the print queue. The default is to use
the win.ini setting.
UNIX : The name of a process that represents the printer, e.g.,
set printer_name "my_print_filter | lpr -Pmy_printer"
The default is to use "lpr -P$PRINTER".
OS/2, VMS: ??? needs implemented
The key binding may be set via, e.g.,
setkey article "print_article" "y"
(`y' is the default binding)
Note: This function could have been defined via a macro for Unix systems,
but for e.g., windows 95 this was not possible and required a
built-in solution.
11. References header truncated to 998 characters to satisfy the GNKSA
2.x requirement. The real implication of this is that no header
should be wrapped, nor should the total length of a header be more
than 998 characters long since there are broken servers that
cannot handle long lines nor can handle a wrapped header. The
previous version of slrn would wrap the headers according to the
NNTP protocol standards but the GNKSA forbids that. Sigh.
Changes since
0. Oops. score.c contained a break statement where it should not have.
Changes since
0. Misc bug fixes, e.g., the [~group, group] score bug. A silly
uudecode bug was also fixed involving multi-part encoded files.
1. Watcom CC specific typo in src/slrnconf.h corrected (Bill McCarthy
2. version.o add to Makefile.OS2 (Bjoern Frantzen)
3. Header display format is now customizable. Up to 10 header formats
are available and ESC-a will switch among them. By default there
are 4 pre-defined formats:
"%F%-5S%-5l:%t%50s %r"
The generic format specifier begins with the `%' character and must
be of the form:
where the brackets indicate optional items. Here, w is a width